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About Montecarlos
From Bean to Cup
Montecarlos is a volcano turned into a coffee estate that grows 100% shade grown gourmet coffee at altitudes between 1,000 and 1,800 meters above sea level.
Its volcanic topography provides ideal coffee growing conditions due to its fertile soil, high elevation, and cloud-forest microclimate.
From our crop to your cup, we hope you enjoy our hand-crafted Montecarlos coffee.

The Montecarlos
The Perfect Cup
Montecarlos is planted with the Pacamara, Gesha, Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Marsellesa, Centroamericano and Millennium coffee varieties in its 400 hectares planted with coffee.
The coffee cherries are 100% hand picked when they are perfectly ripe. The unripe cherries are left on the coffee trees to be picked during a second, third, or fourth pass in order to allow them time to ripen properly.
The cherries are then milled and washed three times with mineral sparkling water that springs out in the farm.
The Pacamara Story
Experience the Volcano
Montecarlos was the first estate in the world to plant and develop the Pacamara coffee variety.
El Salvador's National Coffee Laboratory had been working on the crossings between the Pacas and Maragojipe varieties. Foreseeing its potential, Carlos bought most of the material they had available between 1987-1990 to plant and develop it at Montecarlos.
Montecarlos had its first Pacamara commercial crop in 1992/1993. Since then, many other countries have adopted the Pacamara and it is now considered one of the most exciting and unique coffee varieties in the specialty market.

The Montecarlos Mill
The Estate has been in the family for five generations. It dates back from the 1870’s, its house from the 1890’s and the mill from the 1930’s.
At the Mill, the coffee is 100% sun-dried in clay patios which keep the temperature cool during the days and warm during the nights, slowing the drying process to 15 full days.
The Mill was designed with a unique water gravity-powered channel system through which the beans are carried to each one of its 70 drying patios.
In addition to its 400 hectares of shade grown coffee, Montecarlos has 100 hectares of rainforest around its crater and small pockets of forest all around the estate to balance its ecosystem and make it home to a variety of plant and animal species.

Locations & Hours
Our Location
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